What's New in Version 0.27.40 (release date 2021-4-22)
- Implemented the conflicts and availability popup when you click a specific date on an inventory schedule page.
- Implemented double-click on an inventory group to collapse it.
- Implemented the Files tab on contact pages (formerly called "Documents").
- Implemented the Files tab on serial unit pages (formerly called "Documents").
- Implemented the Files tab on inventory model pages (formerly called "Documents").
- Changed the name of the "Documents" tab on contacts, inventory models, and serial units to "Files."
- Fix for an error that happened when editing a contact's default terms.
- Fix for an issue that caused non-serialized quantities to revert to previous numbers after saving.
- Fix for an issue that caused the Scheduled Maintenance tab to show on non-serialized models.
- Fix for an issue where labor roles weren't showing on crew call reports.
- Fix for an issue where clicking out of the Contact field on a Crew Call was clearing the field.
- Fix for an issue that allowed for duplicate users to be created.
- Fix for an issue that caused unresponsiveness when using the contact custom field data type.
- Fix for an issue that caused the auto-finalize prompt to show on every scan after 100% is reached.
- Fix for an issue that prevented the "Can View Tasks for All Users" option from showing for some users.
- Fix for an issue that caused a UI glitch in the inventory tree after adding "Additional Groups" to inventory.
- Fix for an issue where the Time and Frequency settings of a scheduled maintenance entry were not saving.
- Fix for an issue that caused a spinning wheel when attempting to log in as a user who does not have the Authenticated User permission granted.
- Fix for an issue that used the previous expendable resource type on line items on equipment lists when adding expendable items.