What's New in Version 0.27.41 (release date 2021-5-06)
- Implemented the Staffing Assistant page (on the Projects menu).
- Implemented the ability to print and delete Cheat Sheets.
- Implemented custom field viewing / editing on serial units.
- Implemented custom field viewing / editing on contacts.
- Implemented the ability to delete a locked or closed project element.
- Implemented an option to disable automatic finalize prompts on scanning screens.
- Improved spacing and scrolling on grids with many columns.
- Fix for an issue where deleted maintenance procedures were showing when creating a maintenance log.
- Fix for an issue where opening a closed or locked contact list resulted in an unresponsive UI.
- Fix for an issue that resulted in UI unresponsiveness when using the # character in a custom field group name.
- Fix for an issue where expendable model serial units weren't defaulting to the expendable resource type when added to elements.
- Fix for an issue that caused elements from disabled locations to show in the project list pages.
- Fix for an issue that showed contacts, maintenance procedures, locations, and other non-inventory in the Inventory Manager.
- Fix for an issue where the "Closed" notification wasn't showing on equipment list elements.
- Fix for an issue where lines disappear after certain actions on elements with a lot of line items.
- Fix for an issue that caused EPL label templates to not print correctly.
- Fix for an issue that caused newly created serial units to use the "Item Numbering Scheme" even if the selected resource type has a different numbering scheme set up.
- Fix for an issue where elements would show on the Calendar View incorrectly when the time component is disabled on the element.
- Fix for an issue where certain elements weren't showing properly on Calendar View when they spanned across two days.
- Fix for an issue where the wrong dates showed on Projects menu element lists when copying elements.