What's New in Version 0.27.34 (release date 2021-1-29)
- Implemented the right-hand menu on prep and return scanning screens, including the Project Tree, Reports menu, and Workflow menu.
- Implemented the ability to edit the Service Date of a maintenance log.
- Implemented a link on the Last Known Location field (on scanning screens in the Last Scan section)
- Implemented logic that automatically shows the Manifest tab after scanning the first item during prep.
- Implemented the automatic "Finalize" prompt after reaching 100% on a prep or return screen.
- Increased the maximum value for the maintenance procedure Estimated Cost field.
- Fix for an issue that showed the "Free Recovery Prompt" when scanning a unit that has already been scanned during prep.
- Fix for an exception error that would sometimes occur when editing a business location.
- Fix for an issue that caused an error when changing various field dropdowns to "None."
- Fix for an issue that copied (during a whole element copy) the wrong information in custom total block rows using a fee matrix.
- Fix for an issue that prevented the ability to bulk edit the Resource Type during a serial unit bulk edit.
- Fix for an issue that wasn't recording viewing inventory in Recent History when the inventory was opened by entering the barcode in the barcode input field.
- Fix for an issue that wasn't clearing out the Client field from the header block when you remove the client in the Edit Header popup.
- Fix for an issue that prevented line item Notes from inheriting from a Pull Sheet to a Manifest.
- Fix for an issue where the Deposit and Due Date fields were not automatically recalculating when you change the Payment Term.
- Changed the "Finalize" icon on prep/return screens to more accurately indicate the current finalized state.