What's New in Version 0.27.49 (release date 2021-8-26)
- Implemented the Inventory Dashboard (formerly Equipment Dashboard).
- Implemented the Resource Types page (listed under System Settings).
- Implemented the "Assigned To User" field in project elements.
- Implemented "auto fill" functionality when virtually scanning a non-serialized item.
- Improved the new contact "company" field search results.
- Fix for an issue that caused the "Add" button on maintenance records to not be active.
- Fix for an issue that allowed the Resolve Shortages "From" date to go into the past.
- Fix for an issue that caused muted child suggestion lines to not mute by default.
- Fix for an issue that caused blank, note, and misc. lines to insert in random places.
- Fix for an issue that allowed required date fields to be cleared when editing in the Header tab of the element.