What's New in Version 0.27.53 (release date 2021-10-21)
- Implemented the "Virtual Scan Confirmation" prompt when returning a serial unit.
- Implemented functionality in the Deprep screen for returning lines of the same model with different resource types.
- Fix for some issues in Content Builder that were present when scanning a serial unit's barcode twice.
- Fix for an issue that did not properly log IP Addresses or Logouts in the User Access History.
- Fix for an issue that caused an error when pressing enter into the barcode entry field when blank.
- Fix for an issue that caused an error when bulk deleting Custom Fields.
- Fix for an issue that caused data to clear when making edits to the Option List.
- Fix for an issue that caused certain expression types to not populate in Search Options.
- Fix for an issue that caused the Inventory Group Availability to appear blank within the grid when quantity was 0/0.
- Fix for an issue that caused the Inventory Group Availability grid to display usage one day ahead of the correct start date.
- Fix for an issue that caused an unsuccessful error message when successfully bulk undoing scan records.
- Fix for an issue that caused the Manifest to be created in the wrong status when "Manual Changes Permitted" was enabled for Status Options.
- Fix for an issue that only allowed 50 icons per category to populate when adding an icon to an inventory model or group.
- Fix for an issue that caused collapsed "parent" lines to not show shortages until you hovered over the line.