What's New in Version 0.27.61 (release date 2022-04-08)
- Implemented Inventory Worksheet (previously known as the Catalogue Worksheet).
- Implemented System Settings > Status Options.
- Implemented "hierarchy" for child Resource Types.
- Fix for an issue that caused contents to not inherit subtotal dates.
- Fix for an issue that caused quantities to not reduce after being prepped into a free pick container that has "contents available" set to no.
- Fix for an issue that caused issues when exporting pages.
- Fix for an issue that was present when a workflow action generates an element and also has a chained child action that applies to the generated element.
- Fix for an issue that caused query results to not update when clearing column filters.
- Fix for an issue that allowed users with "can change document numbers" permission denied to edit the document number during initial creation of element.
- Fix for an issue that caused a "None" prefix to display in QuickBooks with the contact does not have a salutation.
- Fix for an issue that caused weight, storage location, and name on the barcode label tokens to not print as expected.