Scheduled Inventory Counts - Reconcile Aftermath


1 comment

  • Aaron Horn

    Ben, there's not a way to batch reconcile items in the reconciliation screen.  I don't have a method like that to offer, but I wanted to respond because I'm fairly confident no one will have a strategy to offer like that.  It's really meant to be a thorough line-by-line decision making process.  In an ideal scenario, you wouldn't have many serialized units to reconcile because you would have found almost everything during the initial scanning count.  Obviously, in your case, there's a lot to clean up.  You can imagine why for accuracy they didn't design it to have bulk editing.

    However, there is a way to bulk edit inventory items external of Flex, and then ingest the new information into your system.  This is only performed by Flex themselves or one of the endorsed Flex consultants (Bigs or myself).  Marking things as Presumed Missing is one of the editable fields.  You could also potentially update your non-serialized quantities if everything is in your warehouse.  Perhaps this strategy would be more efficient and effective since you have a lot of cleanup to do.  There are caveats and details to discuss for this process, so let me know if I can assist with this process or anything else.

    Let me know if I can be of assistance.

    Aaron Horn
    Consultant (Flex endorsed)

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