Default Bill to


1 comment

  • Aaron Horn

    Luke, the Default Bill To Contact setting actually works with the "Client Mailing Address" address block instead of the "Bill To Address" address block like you're expecting.  (The quotations are what those address fields are called in the settings.)  The good news is that you can still caption the  address block as "Bill To" for all your UI and report purposes.  But the Address Source has to be "Client Mailing Address" to use the Default Bill To functionality.

    You'll find these settings in the menu Projects > Project Elements > Invoice/Quote > "Document Header" tab.  I'm assuming that your Quote is already using "Client Mailing Address" in the settings.  But your Invoice needs to also use "Client Mailing Address" if the customer company is to hand off and the Default Bill To Contact automation to take affect.  Again, you can still caption it "Bill To" if you like.  Also, ensure that "Match & Inherit Parent Address String" is set to Yes.  Image below:

    Aaron Horn
    Consultant (endorsed by Flex)


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