- Overview
- Check the Basics First
- Check Calendar Settings
- Check Element Definition Settings
- Other Things to Check
This troubleshooting article will guide you through all the various settings and fields that you should check when an element (like a Quote or Pull Sheet) is not showing on a calendar.
Check the Basics First
First, let's check a few basic settings that affect whether or not an element shows on a calendar:
Does the element have a start date?
Calendars rely on dates to know which elements to show. If there isn't a start date set on an element, then the calendar won't know where to sort it.-
Solution: Open the element and click Edit Header in the right-hand menu. Look for the Start Date field and check that there is a date set. If you don't see a Start Date field then go to the Check Element Definition Settings section or contact your company's Flex administrator.
Solution: Open the element and click Edit Header in the right-hand menu. Look for the Start Date field and check that there is a date set. If you don't see a Start Date field then go to the Check Element Definition Settings section or contact your company's Flex administrator.
Does the element have a location set?
Calendars rely on locations to know which elements to show. If there isn't a location set on an element, then the calendar won't know where to sort it.- Solution: Open the element and click Edit Header in the right-hand menu. Look for the Warehouse field and check that there is a location set. If you don't see a Warehouse field then go to the Check Element Definition Settings section or contact your company's Flex administrator.
The Start Date and Warehouse fields can be customized and named differently in your Flex system. If you aren't sure what these fields are called in your Flex system, contact your company's Flex administrator.
Check Calendar Settings
If the basic settings on your element aren't causing the issue, then perhaps there is something in your calendar settings that needs to be checked.
First check some of the basic settings of a calendar:
Are the past day and list day windows set properly?
Calendars only show elements that fall within the past day and list day windows. If the element does not fall within that range, then it won't be expected to show on the calendar.- Solution: Change the Past Day View or List Day Window so the element falls within the calendar date range. See Edit Calendar Settings for more information. Or change the date of the element (if possible) so it falls within the calendar date range.
Is the element definition and status enabled for the calendar you are viewing?
Calendars only show elements and statuses that are enabled for that specific calendar.- Solution: Go to the Configure Which Element Types Show on a Calendar article to learn how to enable elements and statuses for a calendar.
Is the location of the element enabled on the calendar?
Calendars only show elements that have a business location / warehouse that matches one of the enabled locations for the calendar.- Solution: Go to the Configure Which Locations, Corporate Identities, and Departments Show on a Calendar article to learn how to enable specific locations for the calendar.
Is the corporate identity of the element enabled on the calendar?
Calendars only show elements that have a corporate identity that matches one of the enabled corporate identities for the calendar.- Solution: Go to the Configure Which Locations, Corporate Identities, and Departments Show on a Calendar article to learn how to enable specific corporate identities for the calendar.
Is the department of the element enabled on the calendar?
Calendars only show elements that have a department that matches one of the enabled departments for the calendar.- Solution: Go to the Configure Which Locations, Corporate Identities, and Departments Show on a Calendar article to learn how to enable specific departments for the calendar.
Still having problems? Check some of the intermediate / advanced settings of a calendar:
Is there a contact association set on the calendar?
If a contact is set in the Contact Association setting on a calendar, it will filter and only show elements with that contact associated with it.- Solution: If you are sure that the calendar shouldn't have a Contact Association set, then you can simply remove it. But if you want to keep the Contact Association contact, then make sure the element has that contact in one of the following header fields: Responsible Person (Account Manager), Assigned To User, Client, Venue, Vendor, or Secondary Venue.
Is Fetch By set to something besides "None"?
The Fetch By field allows you to use a date other than start date to determine how the calendar is sorted. If the element does not have a date set in the field that the calendar is using for Fetch By, then it won't show in the calendar.- Solution: Open the element and verify that the element has a date set in the field that is being used as the Fetch By on the calendar. For example, if the calendar Fetch By is set to "Load In Date," then the element must have a Load In Date set.
Check Element Definition Settings
If checking calendar settings still hasn't resolved the issue, start looking into element definition settings. You can access these settings on the Projects menu > Element Definitions > then double-click the element definition you want to edit.
Is the Business Location field enabled on the element?
To show on a calendar, an element must have a business location / warehouse set. If this field isn't enabled for the element, then there is no way to meet this requirement!- Solution: Go to the Projects menu, click Element Definitions, then double-click the element you are working with. On the Contact Associations tab, verify that the Business Location association type is enabled and has a caption. See the Projects > Element Definitions article for more details.
Are start / end dates enabled for the calendar?
To show on a calendar, an element must have dates set (typically at least a start date is required). If start / end dates aren't enabled, then there is no way to meet this requirement!- Solution: Go to the Projects menu, click Element Definitions, then double-click the element you are working with. On the Dates & Times tab, verify that the Start Date and End Date fields are enabled. See the Projects > Element Definitions article for more details.
Are specific statuses enabled for the element?
Even if the element uses a workflow that allows certain statuses, you still have to ensure that the element itself has those statuses enabled. If a status isn't enabled for an element, it won't be an available option in calendar settings.- Solution: Go to the Projects menu, click Element Definitions, then double-click the element you are working with. On the Status Options tab, look at the Permitted Status Options field and enable any status that needs to be. See the Projects > Element Definitions article for more details.
Other Things to Check
Does your Flex instance have multiple locations?
Check the location selector in the top right corner. If a specific location is selected, it will filter which elements show on a calendar. It is also possible that your user is only able to view certain locations, in which case the location selector won't even show those locations and it will be impossible for you to view elements from those locations in a calendar.
Solution: Change the location selector to show All Locations. If you still can't see your element on the calendar, then it's possible the element is using a business location that you do not have access to.
Solution: Change the location selector to show All Locations. If you still can't see your element on the calendar, then it's possible the element is using a business location that you do not have access to.
Do you have Show Parent Elements Only enabled?
In the bottom-left corner of the calendar page, look for the Show Parent Elements Only option. If the check box is checked, then you will only see parent elements on your calendar.-
Solution: Uncheck the box and the calendar should start showing all elements instead of parent elements only.
Solution: Uncheck the box and the calendar should start showing all elements instead of parent elements only.