The Dashboard is a new concept in Flex5. Each user has their own Dashboard with customizable Widgets. In the early versions of the Flex5 app, the Dashboard Widgets cannot be moved or deleted, but this will change in future versions as we create more Widgets.
Currently, there are three Dashboard Widgets available:
- The Element List Widget: Lists elements (like Pull Sheets, Manifests, Quotes, etc.) based on user defined criteria (like date range, status, etc.).
- The Quick Launcher Widget: Provides quick access links to jump to your most used screens and actions.
- The Contact Schedule Widget: Shows the schedule for the logged-in user, assuming that user appears as the assigned contact on a Crew Call element.
Dashboard and Widgets instruction begins at 1:20 in the video:
Element List Widget
The Element List Widget lists elements based on the criteria you enter. For example, you can make the Element List Widget show Quotes, Pull Sheets, and Manifests. Then you can filter further by only showing certain statuses, and only elements through a certain day range.
When you first log in to Flex, the Element List Widget settings will show in the widget window.
- Title: The name of the widget (default is "Element List")
- Element Type(s): Choose which elements show in the widget (you can choose multiple element types)
- Location(s): Choose which business locations show in the widget
- Enabled Status(es): Choose which statuses show in the widget
- Department(s): Choose which departments show in the widget (if you use departments when creating elements)
- Fetch By: Determines how elements are listed in the widget. For example: By Start Date, by End Date, or by Due Date.
- List Day Window: How far into the future the widget will list
- Past Day Window: Har far into the past the widget will list
- Additional List Options: Choose any other options that you want to view in the widget, like Status, Client, Venue, etc. (limit 3 additional list options, for a total of 5 list options including name and dates)
After you set up your Element List Widget, you can tap on any of the results to see more information and any actions associated with the element. Currently, the only actions available are for equipment lists (like Pull Sheets and Manifests). You can launch the Prep screen, the Return screen, or capture a signature for a Manifest.
Quick Launcher Widget
The Quick Launcher Widget is a simple widget that allows you to create links to frequently used features / pages. Tap the cog-wheel in the upper right corner of the widget to configure which links appear.
Contact Schedule Widget
The Contact Schedule Widget is a lot like the Element List Widget, but the main difference is that you cannot choose which element types show. The widget will only show Crew Calls. This is because the purpose of the widget is to show the currently-logged-in user's schedule based on any times they are assigned to a labor role in a Crew Call element.
This widget is display only. You cannot open a Crew Call in the app (although we will add this functionality later).