There are two types reports that you can generate from the Reports page located on the Main Menu. There are Definition Level Reports and Global reports. These reports give you information about your inventory, Quotes, Pull Sheets, Contacts, and more. Becoming familiar with the Reports menu can help you become more efficient when using your Flex system.
Generating Definition Level and Global Reports
- Go to the Main Menu and select Reports.
- From the Options Menu of a report, select "Generate Report" or simply double click on the report that you want to generate.
- Enter any applicable criteria (dates, status options, locations, etc.).
- Choose a report format (PDF, Word, Excel), paper size, and page orientation (not all reports are available in all formats).
- Click Generate Report to download the report.
Enabling Definition Level Reports
- On the Main Menu, select the Projects menu and click Element Definitions.
- Double-click on the element that you want to enable a definition level report for (Quote, Invoice, Pull Sheet, etc.).
- Click on the Reports tab.
- In the Enabled Definition Level Reports section, click the check box next to the report you want to enable.
Some definition level reports have status options that you can select to include in the report. To do this, click the arrow icon beside the report to display the status options that are available to use, and only elements that are in that status will be included in the generated report.
NOTE: When no status options are selected, all statuses will be included in the generated report.