- Overview
- Creating a New Quote
- Field Definitions
- Editing Quote Details
- Adding Child Elements to a Quote
- Deleting a Quote
- Undeleting a Quote
The Quote is the main financial document in Flex. With a Quote, you can add inventory and services to get an accurate estimate of the price and cost of an event, as well as view the availability of your inventory during the dates of the event.
Creating a New Quote
- Click the Create New drop-down menu (top right-hand side of the screen).
- Select Quote.
- Enter the new Quote information.
- Click OK.
Field Definitions
New Quote Popup - Default fields
- Quote Number: The unique identifier of the element, which can be used for search purposes. When you navigate to Projects > Element Definitions > Quote > Numbering tab, if Number Enabled is set to yes, the quote number will auto-populate according to your chosen numbering scheme. By default this is set to ‘4 Digit Sequential by Year’ meaning the first two numbers represent the last two digits of the year and the following four digits will restart at 0001 at the beginning of each year.
- Name: This is a simple text field where you can enter a name you would like for your quote; whether it be the name of the event, the customer, both, etc.
- Status: The primary status is based on the assigned workflow. This initial status is locked in order to preserve the workflow action order. To read more about Workflows, click here.
- Account Manager: This will automatically populate with the user’s name if they have a contact associated with their user account. Click the magnifying glass to search through your contacts and select a specific account manager. See Contact Associations to learn more about the settings related to this field.
- Prep Date: The prep date refers to when your gear will be pulled from the warehouse. The Prep Date will dictate the availability timeframe for inventory and services in your quote.
- Return Date: The return date is the day that your gear is expected back in your warehouse from the event. The Return Date will dictate when the inventory on the quote will become available again.
- Department: A department can be added to help with searching purposes and/or pull reports. You can add Departments (for example, Audio, Lighting, Video) by going to System Settings > Departments.
- Default Time Quantity: Typically, the time quantity of the line items are determined by the start and end date. When you enter a number here, line items added to the quote will use this time quantity instead.
- Default Pricing Model: This field will automatically default to Day Rate which is a common rate for rentals. However, this can be changed from quote to quote. To add or edit pricing models, navigate to System Settings > Pricing Models.
- Referral Source: To add a referral source, go to Contacts > Referral Sources. Adding a referral source is a great way to track where your customers are coming from. For example, another company, advertisement, word of mouth, etc.
- Warehouse: This refers to the warehouse type Business Locations you have for your company. The selected warehouse will determine where the inventory is being pulled from. You can set a Default Business Location for the Quote within Projects > Element Definitions > Quote > Contact Associations tab, located at the bottom of the page.
- Client: The client field will represent who the event is being done for. You can begin typing the name of the contact and a list of results will appear for you to select. Click the magnifying glass to see more search information or to create a new contact.
- Venue / Site: This field refers to where the event will take place. Just like the Client field, you can begin typing the name of the venue and a list of results will appear for you to select.
- Facility: This field is only active when the selected Venue contains facilities. Facilities can be added to any contact that is assigned to a resource type that has "Venue Extensions" enabled, by default that is Venue. For example, you may want to add different ballrooms to a hotel.
- Load In Date: An additional date/time field for informational purposes. The Load In Date will refer to when the inventory is being brought and set up in the venue.
- Show Start: An additional date/time field for informational purposes. The Show Start refers to the beginning of the actual event
- Load Out Date: An additional date/time field for informational purposes. The Load Out Date will refer to when the inventory is beginning to be removed from the venue.
- Deposit: You can set a hard dollar-amount required to be paid by the client as a deposit to begin the scope of work defined in the Quote. This will appear on the generated PDF of the Quote.
- Deposit %: Alternatively, you can set the deposit on the Quote as a percentage of the total amount due. This will appear on the generated PDF of the Quote. This can also be determined by the Payment Term that is assigned to the Quote.
- Deposit Due Date: Set a due date for the aforementioned deposit amount to appear on the generated PDF of the Quote. This can also be determined by the Payment Term that is assigned to the Quote.
- Customer PO: This field can be used to add a Purchase Order number for the client’s records to appear on the generated PDF of the Quote. For example, you may want to use this field when a customer has a purchase order/account system for procurement.
- Shipping Method: This field is used to define the delivery method of the event. To add or edit shipping methods, go to System Settings > Shipping Methods.
- Return Method: This field is used to define the return method of the event.
- Notes: Add internal-facing (e.g. staff or technician) notes or external facing (e.g. Client) notes.
- Print Notes: If set to Yes, the content of the Notes field will be included on the copy of the Quote that the client will receive.
- Valid Until: Add a Date to a PDF copy of the quote to communicate the period of time the price of the quote is valid as you may wish to revise the pricing for a client with shorter notice to perform the work detailed in the Quote.
Editing Quote Details
- Open the Quote that you want to edit.
- In the right-hand Workbench Menu, select the Modify icon, and click Edit Header.
- Edit the Quote information.
- Click OK.
Adding Child Elements to a Quote
- Open the Quote that you want to add a child element to.
- In the right-hand Workbench Menu, select the Add Child Elements icon (near the bottom of the menu options list).
- Click the element name that you want to add.
- Enter the new element details.
- Click OK.
Deleting a Quote
- Open the Quote that you want to delete.
- In the right-hand Workbench Menu, select the Modify icon.
- Click Delete Quote.
- Click the I Agree box to verify that you want to delete the Quote.
- Click Delete.
Undeleting a Quote
When you delete a Quote, it will "soft delete" it from your system. This means that you won't be able to see the Quote on your calendar, Quote list pages, or when searching for Quotes (unless "Include Deleted" is selected within the Search menu). The Quote will remain in your Flex database, and can be undeleted at any time.
- On the Projects menu, and choose Quotes. Main Menu, select the
- In the footer, check the "Show Deleted Only" option.
- Find the Quote(s) that you want to undelete. You might have to search or filter the results.
- Click the box next to the Quote(s) that you want to undelete.
- In the footer, click the Undelete Selected icon and confirm.