- Adding Items to an Invoice
- Editing Line Items on an Invoice
- Sort Modes (Auto, Insert, and Add)
- Line Item Cog Wheel Options
- Workbench Menu Options
Adding Items to an Invoice
To add an item to an Invoice, click and drag the item from the inventory tree. Wait for the box to turn green, then drop the item. Enter a quantity, then click OK.
You can also add items to an Invoice from the search function in the resource browser. Search for an inventory item, then drag and drop it into the Invoice.
Editing Line Items on an Invoice
After an item has been added to the Invoice, you can edit most of the information for the item, including quantity, notes, rental time and rate, and pricing. Click in each field to edit. The field will either turn into a text editable field or a drop down menu. Make the changes, then click out of the field and the changes will be saved.
Drop Modes (Auto, Insert, and Add)
There are three different drop modes when building an Invoice: Auto, Insert, and Add. You can select which drop mode to use from the menu at the bottom of the Invoice header.
Auto drop mode: When you drag and drop an item into the Invoice in Auto drop mode, it will automatically sort into a subtotal. Furthermore, each item will be sorted in the Invoice in the same order that the items are sorted in the inventory tree. Remember, you can sort folders and inventory items in the inventory tree any way you want. The folders and items at the top of the inventory tree will appear first on an Invoice when you are in Auto drop mode.
Insert drop mode: When you drag and drop an item into the Invoice in Insert drop mode, you can place the item wherever you want on the Invoice. This includes into any existing subtotal, or outside of a subtotal. A thick black line designates where the item will be dropped into the Invoice.
Add drop mode: When you drag and drop an item into the Invoice in Add drop mode, the item will automatically be sorted to the very bottom of the Invoice.
Notice that when you are in Insert or Add mode, a few new icons appear, including Add Note Line, Add Misc Line, and Add Blank Line to the Invoice.
You can move any line item on an Invoice by clicking and dragging on the far left-hand side of the line (the small dots). A thick black line will indicate where the line item will be dropped.
Line Item Cog Wheel Options
Each line item on the Invoice has a cog wheel with some helpful tools. Click on the cog wheel to see the following options:
- Open Item – Will open the inventory information screen for the item.
- Schedule – Will open the detailed schedule for the item.
- Suggestions – Will open the suggestions window, allowing you to choose any suggestions that have been applied to the item.
- Copy Line – Will copy the line. After a line has been copied, clicking on another cog wheel will show the paste option.
- Delete Line – Delete the line item from the Invoice.
You can also add note, misc, or blank lines to the Invoice.
Workbench Menu Options
At the top of the Workbench Menu, you will see the project tree. The project tree will show you all of the parent and child elements that are associated with this Invoice. For example, a parent Quote, a child Received Payment, a parent Event Folder, etc.
You can double click on any of the parent or child elements to open them.
Under the total and project tree, you will find the Invoice Menu options. The Invoice Menu options are split into several different categories. The first category is Modify, which includes the following options:
- Edit Header – Will open the edit window that was opened when you created the Invoice.
- Copy Selected Lines – Will allow you to copy multiple selected lines.
- Delete Selected Lines – Will allow you to delete multiple selected lines.
- Create Subtotal – Will allow you to create a custom subtotal in which items can be placed.
- Bulk Edit – Will allow you do edit multiple line items at once.
- Reset Price – Will allow you to reset the default price of line items that have been manually changed. (Select a line item or multiple line items, then choose the Reset Price option)
- Move – Will allow you to move the Invoice into a parent folder.
- Delete This Invoice – Will allow you to delete the entire Invoice.
The next category is Reports, where you can generate a variety of PDF copies of the Invoice. By default, only a few reports are available in the category. Related to this category is the Send To Client category, which will send a PDF copy to the client.
The Financials category gives you options to manage the financial aspects of the Invoice.
The Workflow category will show all of the workflow options that are associated with the current status of the Invoice. For example, when the Invoice is in Unpaid status, the Workflow category might show options for marking the Invoice as paid, or exporting the Invoice to QuickBooks. When the Invoice is in Invoice Paid status, the workflow options will change to reflect the new options associated with a paid Invoice.
The Add Child Elements category allows you to quickly add new child elements to the Invoice, like a credit memo, or a document.