- Overview
- Opening the Return Screen for a Manifest
- Scanning In From a Manifest
- Viewing Your Scan History
- Undoing a Scan
- Logging Maintenance on Items Being Returned
- Finalizing a Manifest Return
You can return a Manifest in Flex5 and view the progress as you go. On the return screen, you can type in barcodes, use the device camera as a scanner, or pair a bluetooth scanner and enter bluetooth scanning mode.
Return Manifest instruction begins at 9:15 in the video:
Opening the Return Screen for a Manifest
Currently, the only way to get to the return screen for a Manifest is through the Element List Widget. If you configured your Element List Widget to show Manifests, then you can tap the Manifest from the list and view the information and actions for that Manifest. One of the actions is "Go to Return Screen."
Scanning In From a Manifest
When you are on the Return Manifest page, you can scan inventory several ways (all of which are outlined on the instruction page when you first open the Return Manifest page).
- Type a barcode into the barcode input field
- Tap the camera icon (top right) and scan a barcode with the device's camera
- Connect a bluetooth scanner and enter bluetooth scan mode by tapping the bluetooth icon (top right, next to the camera icon).
Just like in the desktop version of Flex, when you are on a scanning page, you are scanning from a specific warehouse location. If you only have one warehouse set up in Flex, then you will always be scanning from that location. But if you have multiple warehouse locations, then we recommend verifying that you are scanning from the correct location by checking the current location at the bottom of the list (in the footer section).
To change the location, tap the location name and choose the new location from the popup window.
Viewing Your Scan History
You can view your scan history by tapping the cog-wheel (in the footer section), then tapping Scan History.
You can tap through the list of scans to view information about the inventory model or unit that was scanned, as well as undo the scan and open the inventory model or unit.
To return to the Manifest list, tap the cog-wheel again and tap Manifest.
Undoing a Scan
You can undo your last scan by tapping Undo Scan in the "last scan" bar along the top of the return screen.
To undo other scans you did during your scanning session, tap the cog-wheel at the bottom of the list (in the footer section), then tap Scan History. Tap on any scan history result and one of the actions that shows in the detail view is Undo Scan. Tap Undo Scan to undo that scan.
Logging Maintenance on Items Being Returned
When you return a unit, the unit information will show in the detail view (right-hand side of the screen). One of the actions that is available is to log maintenance.
Tap Log Maintenance and the new maintenance log popup will appear. Learn more about logging maintenance on inventory HERE.
Finalizing a Manifest Return
- Tap the cog-wheel (in the footer section).
- Tap Finalize.
- Follow on-screen prompts to complete.