- Overview
- Adding a User
- Editing a User
- Changing a User's System Permissions
- User Access History
- Deleting a User
- Undeleting a User
A Flex "user" is a person who has access to your company’s Flex system. Generally, Flex system users are the employees of your company. Each Flex user is assigned to a security group and they inherit system permissions from that group.
Adding a User
To access the setting page for users, click the Menu > System Settings and select Users.
MainThere will be a number of default users in your system in addition to those who have been added. Along the top of the tab, each column has a filter option. Click the Add New User icon (located in the bottom left corner of the tab) to begin.
Fill out the fields in the popup and click CREATE to create the user record. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required You must select one security group under Security Group Membership.
- Name: The name of the user.
- User ID: The ID that the user will use to log in.
- E-Mail Address: The user's email address.
- Contact. This field provides the ability to link a Contact Record to a User, so that information like email addresses, phone numbers, and addresses can link to that user.
If you have already created a matching contact for the user you are creating, simply type their name in the field, and select it from the drop-down that appears.
Otherwise, click the icon to search for, or create, a new Contact Record. In the popup, you can preform a detailed search of all Contact Records or click the New Contact button.
searchWhen you select a contact or finish creating a new one, the contact record name will appear in the Contact field. Remember that when creating Contact Records for your employees, they should have the Employee resource type.
- Locked: Choosing Yes will lock the user out of Flex and prevent them from logging in. This is useful for future, past, and temporary employees.
- Additional Notes: Any additional notes about the user.
- Security Policy: Learn more on the Security Policies page. This is not configured by default.
- Default Security Group: The main Security Group that the user will belong to.
- Security Group Membership: Additional security groups that the user will belong to. Note that if you only select one Security Group for a user, you can use either the Default Security Group or Security Group Membership fields to make your selection.
- Require Password Change: Choose Yes to require the user to change their password upon their first login. This is highly recommended for new users.
- Password: The user's password.
- Verification: Verify the above password.
Editing a User
Editing a User in Flex is similar in process to adding a new user. To access the setting page for users, click the Menu > Double-click anywhere on a user's line to open their record and edit it. System Settings and select Users.
MainOnce you have made your changes, click UPDATE to save the record.
Changing a User's System Permissions
To change a user's individual permissions (which will take precedence over a set Security Group), navigate to the user's settings page. Click the Menu > System Settings and select Users. Click the Options icon (this appears between a user's name and their check box when hovering over their line) and select View Permissions.
MainPermissions will either grant or deny access to various pages, settings, and operations in Flex. For more information on specific permissions please refer to the Permissions Glossary.
By default, all permissions in this dialog will typically be set to Inherit, which means that the state of that permission is inherited by the security group associated with that user. You can see if a permission is inherently granted or not by the green check mark or red X next to the permission.
Deny will prohibit the user from preforming an action related to the permission regardless of security group association.
Grant will allow the user to preform the action related to the permission regardless of security group association.
User Access History
User Access History lets you view a log page of all login records, both successful and failed, in your Flex system. This information acts as a paper trail of activity in your system, allowing you to see when users are logging in and where they are logging in from.
To open the User Access History page, click the Menu > System Settings and select User Access History.
MainIn this tab, you will see a filterable matrix view of all login records in your Flex instance. The fields shown here are the user's Name, the Email on their user record, the IP Address they are accessing Flex from, the Timestamp (Date & Time) of the login activity and the Result, (whether the login was successful or not).
Deleting a User
Although Flex includes no limit to the number of users active in your system, it can become beneficial to remove users from your system to simplify the users list.
Click the Once the Users tab is open, select the check box next to a user record and click the Delete Selected Lines Main Menu > System Settings and select Users. .
Confirm your intention to delete by checking the box next to "I Agree" and click Yes to complete the deletion.
When the dialog closes you will see that the selected record(s) are no longer on the list of active users.
Undeleting a User
On the Users page, click the check box along the bottom for Show Deleted Only to see the user records that you have deleted from Flex.
With the Show Deleted Only option active, click the Options icon (this appears between a user's name and their check box when hovering over their line) and click Undelete Selected Lines to restore that user.
To restore multiple users at once, select all the applicable checkboxes and click Undelete Selected Lines.