Sound Clips can be uploaded and then added to a Sound Theme. These clips will be played when certain scanning actions are executed. By default, you will find a Sound Clip that is associated with the scanning actions but you can add as many custom clips as you'd like.
Adding a Sound Clip
- In the Main Menu, go to System Settings and select Sound Clips.
- Click the Add New Sound Clip button at the bottom left.
- Enter the Name and upload a sound clip.
- The sound clip must be 100 KB or less
- Click Add.
Editing a Sound Clip
- In the Main Menu, go to System Settings and select Sound Clips.
- Double click the sound clip you want to edit.
- Edit the applicable information.
- Click Save.
Deleting a Sound Clip
- In the Main Menu, go to System Settings and select Sound Clips.
- Select the checkbox(s) for the sound clip(s) you want to delete.
- Click the Delete Selected Sound Clip(s) icon in the bottom left.
Undeleting a Sound Clip
- In the Main Menu, go to System Settings and select Sound Clips.
- Click the "Show Deleted Only" option in the bottom left.
- Select the checkbox(s) for the sound clip(s) you want to undelete.
- Click the Undelete Selected Sound Clip(s) icon in the bottom left.