- Overview
- Searching from the Resource Browser
- Searching from the Projects Menu
- Adding and Editing Columns on the Transfer Orders Search Page
There are two ways to search for Transfer Orders in your Flex system that don't involve needing to locate them on your Calendar. The Search icon lets you find nearly any resource, document, or element that exists in your system. Use the dropdown to view and change filters, or you can view and search for elements from the Projects menu, located in the Main Menu.
Searching from the Resource Browser
- Click the Search icon in the left-hand Resource Browser.
- Choose "Transfer Orders" from the drop-down filter (you can select "ONLY" to quickly select only Transfer Orders).
- Enter your search into the search bar.
There are two search options in the footer of the Search filter: Include Deleted and Include Closed. Choosing "Yes" for the Include Deleted option will include deleted Transfer Orders in your search (highlighted in red), and choosing "Yes" for the Include Closed option will include closed Transfer Orders in your search (closed elements will appear greyed out.)
Double-click any result to open the Transfer Order.
Searching from the Projects Menu
- Click Transfer Orders on the Projects menu (located in the Main Menu).
- Enter your search into any of the search fields. You can search by any combination of columns you would like, and can click the Clear All Filters icon in the footer to clear them.
This search screen includes the following features:
- A filter (located in the column headers) that allows you to type in filters or choose filter options from drop-down menus.
- Preference settings that allow you to choose which columns are visible, how many results per page, etc.
- Print / Export capabilities (PDF, Word, and Excel formats).
Additionally, you can select multiple Transfer Orders (using the check box next to the name), and perform bulk actions by clicking the Bulk Workflow icon in the footer (the selected elements must all be in the same status in order to perform bulk workflow actions).
The footer options allow you to view deleted Transfer Orders and closed Transfer Orders. See the Creating a Transfer Order page to learn how to undelete a Transfer Order from this screen.
Adding and Editing Columns on the Transfer Order Search Page
You can add or remove columns (globally) on the Transfer Orders page (on the Projects menu located in the Main Menu).
- On the Projects menu, click Element Definitions.
- Double-click Transfer Order.
- Select the Search Options tab.
From the Search Options tab, you can add or remove the columns that appear on the Transfer Orders page. Notice how the names in the Caption column match the column names on the Transfer Orders page.
To remove a column, check row of the column you want to remove, then click the Delete icon and select Yes in the confirmation prompt.
To add a column, click the plus icon to add a blank line, and fill in the Caption, Field Type, and if required, select a Format Mask. You can add as many columns to this page as you want, and can reorder the columns by clicking the Vertical Grip icon located on the left side of the row, and dragging it to adjust the order to your liking.