- Introduction
- Understanding Payment Links
- Email Settings
- Automated Communication
- Automated Fee Calculation
- Next Steps
This article covers settings that can be adjusted any time after connecting Flex to PayEngine. Settings for Authorizations are covered in Configuring the Basics. All other settings are covered here. Be sure to check out the PayEngine | Overview and Key Concepts for general information.
Each setting explored in this article can be found by navigating to the PayEngine Integration Settings:
- On the Main Menu, click Integrations.
- Click PayEngine.
Alternatively, you can access PayEngine Integration Settings through the right-hand workbench menu:
- On a PayEngine-enabled Flex element, click Financials
- Click Integration Settings
Information about individual settings are listed below, under each specific header.
Understanding Transactions
The Transactions subtab lists all of the payment links that have been sent out from your Flex account. To review the definition of each column and what information it provides, please reference View Sent Payment Link & Payment Status.
Email Settings
Once a user begins the connection process, a new email template is created. "Send Payment Link with PayEngine" is defaulted to the template used for PayEngine-related emails, but users can assign a new template in the Settings subtab.
Read more about Flex's email templates here.
Automated Communication
After the payment link has been paid, if this setting is on, the payer will be emailed a receipt of payment. If this setting is off, the payer does not receive a receipt.
Automated Fee Calculation
If you want to apply an additional fee to credit card transactions, you can set that up here.
Default is set to 0.00%, so no additional fee will be added to credit card transactions unless this setting is changed.
Once a transaction has been completed, you can view how much the credit card fee was by navigating to Main Menu > Integrations > PayEngine > Transactions subtab and temporarily adding the CC Fee column to the grid:
Next Steps
Once your settings are adjusted accordingly, you can start Requesting PayEngine Payment Links from within Flex.