- Overview
- Additional Scanned Items
- Consolidated Manifest
- Consolidated Ship Manifest By Container
- Internal Manifest
- Manifest - Case Value(s)
- Return Manifest
- Shipping Manifest
These are Instance Level Reports which all function best when used with a Manifest type Element. They are generally intended as complete lists of the items scanned on the Prep Screen for a given job. If available, brief descriptions of the data contained and possible usages are provided and examples are attached.
Additional Scanned Items
Provides a list of items that were scanned on the Prep Screen, but not on the Pull Sheet. These are often referred to as "orphan" scans.
Detail Fields include Quantity, Description, Stencil, Barcode, Serial, Country of Manufacture, Dimensions, Replacement Cost, Weight Extended.
Consolidated Manifest
Consolidated Ship Manifest By Container
Internal Manifest
Provides a list of items on a Manifest. This template can be used to create a PDF or hardcopy representation of "who did what" in regards to scanning a particular job.
Detail fields include Quantity, Description, Stencil, Barcode, Serial, Prep Time and Prep User (if scanned), Return Time and Return User (if scanned).
Manifest - Case Value(s)
Provides a list of items on a Manifest. This is an example of what some might need for an international shipping manifest, carnet, or bill of lading.
Detail fields include Quantity, Description, Stencil, Barcode, Serial, Country of Manufacture, Dimensions, Replacement Cost, and Weight Extended.
Return Manifest
Provides a list of items returned and not returned for a specific Manifest. Has runtime options to show unreturned items only and to hide replacement costs.
Shipping Manifest
Provides a list of items on a Manifest. Has runtime options to print Terms and to place them on a new page.
Detail fields include Quantity, Description, Stencil, Barcode, Serial, Country of Manufacture, and Weight Extended.