These reports were created specifically for use when executing Scheduled Inventory Counts.
Inventory Count Report
- This should be used when you begin your Counts.
- Stock Type: which Resource Type you're counting; typically Rental.
- Build As Count Sheet: when set to Yes, provides a "HAND COUNT" column.
- Use Allocated Quantity: when set to Yes, uses the allocated quantity instead of the on-hand quantity.
- Include Serial Number Breakdown: when set to Yes, provides a line per unit as well as a summary total row for the model.
- Include Cost and Valuations: when set to Yes, provides Purchase and Replacement Cost columns.
Inventory Count Report (Scanned)
- This can be used once a Count has started. It's useful for figuring out what has and hasn't been counted.
- Inventory Count: the Schedule Count against which you want the report to run.
- Stock Type: the Resource Type you're counting; typically Rental.
- Inventory Group: limits output to the selected Inventory Group and its children.
- Print Barcode: when set to Yes, provides a scannable barcode for the items listed.
- Items Not Scanned Report: when set to Yes, provides an "Inventory Not Scanned" report. Only items with 0 Qty Scanned will be included. This setting is most useful toward the end of a Count.
Inventory Count Shrink Report
- This report is for use once a Count is complete. It shows you the "shrinkage" of your inventory.
- Example: if the system had 10 allocated before the Count and you scan 7, the Shrink Report will indicate a shrinkage of 3.